Monday, June 4, 2012

Flea Market

Love the blue glassware
Stan rummaging through some vintage toys.
Maksim trying on some stunners.
I get all my succulents at the flea market.  Tiny ones are just $1.
Week 17 and my baby bump is getting more noticeable.

Since I can remember I always have had a love of flea markets.  My father used to take me as a child and I would look for anything shiny to purchase.  That obsession hasn't really changed but translated into a love for vintage jewelry.  I collect, wear, and use vintage jewelry for my business so I always have an excuse to go.   You have to have a open mind when you go to a flea market and no shopping lists are allowed.  You never know what you will bring home so it's an adventure in itself.  I  get such a high from rummaging through glassware, paintings and vintage trinkets.  I am a minimalist so I talk myself out of many possible purchases, plus my house is only so big too.  I try to hit up flea markets wherever I am in my travels too.  So far we have been to some in Paris, Austin, San Francisco, Cleveland, and the list goes on and on.  The colors, food, eclectic people, and the chance of scoring something totally original have me coming back for more all the time.

This past weekend was a lazy one but we did get out to head to Kobey's Swap Meet for some good exercise, fresh hot mini donuts and we also came home with a few goodies.  They included water gun and 3 Hot Wheels cars (newly packaged) for Maksim for whopping total of $4.  Stan and I got to take home some fresh fruit and veggies but no vintage treasures this time.  That will not stop us from coming back in a month's time though.  Happy treasure hunting!

First Gen Fam


  1. i Love flea markets they always have great stuff =)


  2. Thanks Maria. I started following your blog!
