Monday, May 21, 2012

And Now...We Become 4

Maksim checking out his new sibling right before he crumbles the sonogram.  Jealous already?
Our little boy or girl?
Yes!  It's true.  We will be a family of four soon!  We cannot wait to have Maksim be a big brother and are so happy the kids will be close in age.  I am officially 15 weeks pregnant and that baby is the size of apple per my Baby Center week by week notification.  I found out I was pregnant in March and have been dying to announce it but being a little superstitious and wanting confirmation from my doctor I held off.  The due date is November 11 and it seems so far away.  I have many more pounds and backaches to go!

I am one of the lucky few that don't get nauseated with pregnancy but I do say "Hello" and "Good-bye" to many other things that are a result of being pregnant.  Below is a small list of "Hello" and "Good-byes" I have compiled.  I want to be able to look back on these one day.


  • most importantly to my little baby!
  • growing belly.  I have a bloated tummy look at the moment.
  • boobs!!!  Seriously where did these things come from?  Honestly, I don't like when they are bigger.
  • stretchy pants. Sooo comfy.
  • backaches.  My chiropractor says it will only get worse as I get bigger.  Great right? 
  • major fatigue.  This is my major symptom and there is no fitting it.
  • friendly strangers.  Everyone is so nice to you when you are pregnant.  Doors get opened and everyone seems to smile at a lady with a big tummy.
  • skinny jeans.  We shall hopefully meet again in one year's time.
  • clearish skin.  Why, why, why, must my hormones go crazy and cause massive breakouts!
  • alcohol.  A half glass wine here and there is okay but I can only imagine how much more fun my BFF's wedding could have been if I could have had 2, maybe 6 glasses of wine!
  • sushi.  I will miss you spicy tuna roll.  Sushi will be my first post pregnancy meal out I guarantee it.
With all the good and bad that comes with pregnancy the best part of it is I will have another baby that is part Stan and me.  The first one turned out magnificent so we have high hopes for this next one.

The due date is November 11 and it seems so far away.  I have many more pounds and backaches to go!  Next month we find out if its a boy or girl.  I have a feeling it's a boy for some reason but I guess we will see.

First Gen Fma


  1. its a girl..
    and we are so excited and happy for you, and we did know of your new arrival to be because Sabrina remembered the walk at the park with Margarita and Stan when the discussion was when you were both going to try again.. and as Sabrina asked me how old Maksim was, and I responded, a week later we received the texts from Stan... and Sabrina called it.. you were pregnant... !!! What about saying hello to the moving baby kicking and hiccuping as to this date I find that to be a miracle... xo

  2. So Sweet! Congratulations on the wonderful news!!! P.S. I gotta hunch your gonna be getting a little diva, just like her mom:)

  3. Congrats Natalija! We're at 5mo's old with our little girl and loving it. So much thanks to Stan for all his 'ahead of the curve' heads ups. Your blog is great keep going and update with the gender soon as you know.

    Tim T.

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment Tim! Good luck on the little one! Wait till she starts crawling...your life is going to change!

  4. That is so exciting! So happy for you guys - you make beautiful babies and I can't wait to meet your new one!!! xoxox
